What is Fragment in URL

The part after the # sign is known as the fragment. The fragment is different than the other pieces we've looked at so far, because unlike the URL path and query string, the fragment is not processed by the server. The fragment is only used on the client and it identifies a particular section of a resource. Specifically, the fragment is typically used to identify a specific HTML element in a page by the element's ID.

Web browsers will typically align the initial display of a webpage such that the top of the element identified by the fragment is at the top of the screen. As an example, the URL http://www.coding-issues.blogspot.com/Asp.Net#feedback has the fragment value "feedback". If you follow the URL, your web browser should scroll down the page to show the feedback section of a particular blog post on my blog. 

Your browser retrieved the entire resource (the blog post), but focused your attention to a specific area—the feedback section. You can imagine the HTML for the blog post looking like the following (with all the text content omitted):

<div id="post">

<div id="feedback">

The client makes sure the element with the “feedback” ID is at the top.

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